IOR Board Elections


The IOR calls for nominations each year to fill two Board vacancies. As long as the number of nominations put forward exceeds the number of vacancies a web-based election takes place, usually in the autumn.  Details of the candidates are issued in newsletters, by email and on our website and the election takes place online.  If insufficient nominations are received to hold an election, those nominated are automatically accepted onto the Board.  

Anyone who is a Member, Associate, Fellow or Technician grade can stand for election to the Board. Nominations must be supported by two existing members (Member, Associate, Fellow or Technician) and accompanied by a signed statement and photo.  A link to the election voting site is sent to all eligible members and an independent voting service confirms the results at the AGM in the autumn each year.


What is the IOR Board?

The IOR Board includes the President, immediate Past President, President-Elect, six elected Members and a Treasurer.  

The Board of Trustees is responsible to the membership, company law and to the Charity Commission for its effective governance.  The Board meets four times a year for a half-day at a meeting chaired by the President and all Trustees must attend all meetings as part of their legal obligations.  There are up to ten members of the Board – six are elected by the membership with two retiring in rotation each year and two new members coming - the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President and Treasurer make up the remaining four places.  Elected members normally serve for three years. Board members take an active role in the work of the IOR by joining a committee, taking part in steering groups and representing the IOR at key industry meetings.


Considering standing as a Trustee? What you need to know


The deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms will be midday 1st August each year.  The online election is due to open in October and the deadline for voting is one week before the AGM in November where the results will be announced.


























Nomination and Election of IOR President-Elect - next election 2025


Most Recent Election Results

Every two years a new President-Elect is voted in by the membership and appointed at the AGM. The role of the President-Elect is to join the Board of Trustees and support the work of the President until the end of the existing President’s term of office. 

Nomination and election process  

In accordance with the IOR Constitution and Rules the Trustees must make a recommendation to the Membership for a candidate or candidates for the next President-elect.  This guide outlines the process and provides additional information for those considering taking on this important role.  A Nominating Committee appointed by the Trustees including Chairs of Committees and chaired by the current President is responsible for identifying potential candidates. They do this based on the specification for the role and personal attributes which is summarised below:

  • Commitment and availability to attend regular meetings in the UK (approx 25hrs per month) as well as representing the Institute at industry events in the UK and overseas.
  • High profile and standing in the industry
  • Extensive current and long term involvement in Institute activities
  • Depth of technical knowledge in their own field
  • Proven ability to chair industry meetings (ie working with volunteers)
  • Wide range of existing contacts, broad knowledge of the sector and subsectors
  • Ability to represent the Institute's interests to the press, government and other bodies
  • Confidence in public speaking
  • Good leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences
  • Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed-up
  • A balanced and non-commercial approach


The list of candidates is put to the Membership at least three months before the AGM. If there is more than one candidate an election will be held.


A member may put themselves forward as an Additional Candidate to be included in the list of names to be considered at the election. Additional Candidates may be put forward at any time up to the specified closing date (two months before the AGM).  Anyone considering standing for this role is advised to review the role profile below.  Details of how to make a nomination are also available below. Additional Candidates must use the IOR form and must submit a statement, photograph and signatures of 20 supporters.   The election for President-Elect will be held at least 28 days before the AGM in which Members, Associate Members, Technicians and Fellows are eligible to vote.


Following the results of the election, or if only one candidate is proposed and no elections are necessary, the President-Elect appointment will commence at the AGM.  The role of the President-Elect is to join the Board of Trustees and support the work of the President until the end of the existing President’s term of office in 12 months time at the next AGM.


Role and responsibilities of President-Elect 

The President holds the position of Chair of the IOR Board of Directors and Charity Trustees. As such they have a strategic role to play in representing the vision and purpose of the organisation and the work of the Institute as well as leading the Board meetings. The Chair is legally responsible with the Board members for ensuring that the Institute functions properly, that there is adequate participation at meetings, all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.

To ensure the Institute Board of Directors & Trustees functions properly the President shall

  • take part in, plan and run all Board of Trustee meetings in accordance with the Constitution
  • ensure matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner
  • bring impartiality and objectivity to meetings and decision-making
  • facilitate change and address conflict within the Board
  • review governance performance and skills against terms of reference and strategic objectives

To ensure the Institute is managed effectively the President shall

  • liaise with and support the Chief Executive and staff, as appropriate, to keep an overview of the activity of the Institute and the wider strategy of the Institute
  • co-ordinate the work of the Board to ensure responsibilities for particular activities are met and expertise is employed as required
  • facilitate change and address conflict within the organisation and its activities, liaising with the staff to achieve this

Represent the Institute and Board

  • To communicate effectively the vision and purpose of the Institute internally and to members and committees
  • To represent the Institute at external meetings and events
  • To be aware of current legislative issues that might affect the Institute or Council

Qualities and Skills Required

  • Commitment and availability to attending regular meetings in the UK (approx 25hrs per month) including all four Board meetings, as well as representing the Institute at industry events in the UK and overseas
  • High profile and standing in the industry
  • Extensive current involvement in Institute activities
  • Depth of technical knowledge in their own field
  • Wide range of existing contacts, broad knowledge of the sector and subsectors
  • Ability to represent the Institute interests to the press, government and other bodies.
  • Proven ability to chair industry meetings (ie working with volunteers)
  • Confidence in public speaking
  • Good leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences
  • Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed-up
  • A balanced and non-commercial approach
  • Must be a Fellow, Member, Associate or Technician of the IOR with a long term commitment to the Institute


Time Commitment

  • The role of Chair requires an estimated commitment of a minimum of 25 hrs a month and a willingness to travel within the UK and overseas eg to conferences, presenting papers etc. 
  • The IOR Board of Trustees meets 4 times a year for meetings held either on line or once a year as an all day in person Open meeting with Committees. The President continues to attend Board meetings as Immediate Past President for two years after their term as President has concluded.
  • The President attends the Finance Committee on line meetings usually held quarterly, Chaired by the Treasurer.
  • The IOR President will give a Presidential Address including a written paper during their first year, opens the Annual Conference and gives a speech to members at the Annual Dinner whilst they are in office.  
  • In addition the President may be invited to participate as a Board member of ACRIB, chair IOR evening talks, participate in judging in the IOR RAC Student of the Year competition, attend industry social events, ASHRAE winter meetings and if relevant IIR International Congress conferences or other external meetings



Nomination form for Additional Candidates for President-Elect  

Additional candidates for President-Elect can be nominated by the members using the form below. Please note that all 20 supporting members must sign the original form and this must be submitted as a single nomination including a statement and photo by the advertised deadline. Download the nomination form.


The Institute of Refrigeration is a registered charity governed by a Constitution and Rules, subject to the obligations of the Charities Act 2011. It is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered number 1166869.