Welcome to the new Women in RACHP Monthly Blog.
Wow where has July gone? It has flown by. Probably because I have been very busy. Everyone is super busy aren’t they?
Listening to the WiRACHP Podcast “The States of Matter.” I realised that “I am not a girlie girl” is a phrase that seems to pop up in several episodes.
May I welcome you to Spring … Nope I may not, because it is not here, yet. But being in the industry we are in…it cannot arrive soon enough.
Last month, the Institute opened its doors to a young individual embarking on their secondary school work placement. At the IOR, we have a steadfast commitment to nurturing awareness of our industry among the younger generation
In March the IOR welcomed a fantastic young person to participate in a week of work experience. In this post they share what they will be taking away from their week with the IOR and their thoughts on engineering as a career choice.
And we are all green for it is the month of March where we find St Patricks Day. Celebrated globally…. And we are there thinking about opportunities to be green globally. And for our industry that could mean attending the following on line event...
Well Hello, February – what can I say – you took your time. It's the Month of St Valentines. Are we in the mood for love? How am I going to link this to something related to our industry or your role in it – well here goes!
New Year – New You – no thank you, I am absolutely fine as is. But a fresh start? Well yes why not.