Women in RACHP Network   

The IOR established a network to promote Women in RACHP with the support of the ACR Journal to coincide with National Women in Engineering Day on 23rd June 2016. 

The network is now open to anyone (male or female) working in any RACHP-related role such as service & maintenance, design, research, engineering, science, sales, administration, marketing, training, etc. You do not have to be an IOR member to take part.

The IOR Women in RACHP Network group now represents the IOR on key international initiatives such as International Women in Cooling and IIR Careers in Cooling.  

The WiRACHP Podcast "The States of Matter" is now available. Episodes are released monthly.

How you can get involved

If you are interested in the group, join up on LinkedIn to be kept informed of articles, meetings, events and to join the discussion

Sponsors of the WIRACHP Network and Events 

AGas TogetherStrapline CMYK      Logo CTI     Daikin logo Full colour      jand e hall logoKoura Logo Positive  LightfootStar Logo 3D 300dpi

Need some inspiration from Women working in RACHP?

Read these interviews with Women forging careers in the fascinating RACHP sector published by the ACR Journal http://www.acrjournal.uk/features/category/women-in-acr