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Evaluation of available retail refrigeration systems


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Evaluation of available retail refrigeration systems

The purpose of this paper was to present the energy performance and environmental impact of available refrigeration systems that have been installed in recent years at ASDA stores. The results werebased on actual metered data and refrigeration gas loss records. Prior to presenting the results this paper will discuss refrigerants in terms of desirable properties, types and associated risks. The purpose of this was to identify the considered approach ASDA have taken in their implementation strategy, following this, the advantages and disadvantages of each system will be presented. The conclusion will share the benefits of a stake holder supported refrigerant containment strategy, adaptation of initiatives where energy savings are not only achievable but also fit the profile of a retailer’s payback period, and the approach taken in evaluating alternative refrigeration system technology, opposed to implementing major change largely based on a paradigm that HFC refrigerants cannot be contained at a low level; how can the industry expect to contain a high pressure or flammable refrigerant if traditional HFC refrigerants cannot be contained?

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