Non-member price: Free
Member price: Free
Promoting Careers, Engaging with Schools (GNET4) 2021
Promoting the RACHP industry and careers through engagement with Schools, Colleges, Local Communities & Careers events
The purpose of this IOR education guidance note is to encourage members and their employers to take an active role in promoting the sector and careers in the industry to young people. It is designed to signpost resources available to support this work, as well as ideas to inspire you to plan your activity. We recommend that anyone keen to get involved considers signing up as a STEM Ambassador and joining the IOR STEM Ambassador Network. The IOR runs regular STEM network webchats so that you can learn from each other about which activities have the most impact.
See and our careers in cooling video ( ) for more ideas and resources
Log in to your account (top right) to download this free guide.
Technical information on refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps: