IOR products and books


Safety Codes of Practice Collection

CD case inserts Safety Codes of Practice Collection 1

Non-member price: £100.00

Member price: Not available

Safety Codes of Practice Collection

The IOR's Safety Codes of Practice Collection comprise the following current technical publications in PDF formats:

Safety Code of Practice Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant (R744/CO2) ISBN: 978-1-872719-19-1

Safety Code of Practice Ammonia Refrigerant R717 (Group B2L) ISBN: 978-1-872719-17-7

Safety Code of Practice for Non Flammable, Lower Toxicity Refrigerants (Group A1) ISBN:978-1-872719-11-5

Cold Store Code of Practice (Revised 2015 Amended 2016) ISBN: 978-1-872719-36-8

Safety Code of Practice Flammable Lower Toxicity Refrigerants (Groups A2L, A2 and A3) ISBN:978-1-872719-15-3

CD-Rom ISBN:978-1-872719-40-5

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