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Ammonia Heat Pumps for district heating in Norway - a case study
The World’s largest high temperature (90ºC) ammonia heat pump for district heating is currently being installed in Drammen, Norway. Since the early 1980’s several large high temperature heat pumps have been installed in the Nordic countries.
A significant portion of electricity in these countries is produced by low carbon-emission hydroelectric power. The majority of the heat pumps have been using Fluorocarbon’s like R22 and R134. The recent development of the “high pressure (70Bar) single screw compressor” has made it possible to use the natural refrigerant ammonia for these applications. Achieving a district heating system with a GWP = <1, Ammonia’s thermodynamic properties offer unparallel efficiencies (15% better than R134a) when used in high temperature heat pumps.
This paper describes the challenges faced in this game-changing project.
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