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VRF Guide published jointly by IOR / CIBSE


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VRF Guide published jointly by IOR / CIBSE

This guide to variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioning has been produced as a joint publication from the Institute of Refrigeration and CIBSE. With increased focus on energy efficiency, carbon emissions and sustainability, the need for guidance on the design, application and use of VRF cooling and heating systems has become more important. The main purpose of this publication is to provide an independent source of information to assist designers in selecting and configuring VRF systems to realise their optimum environmental and economic potential. Specifically, it provides:

• an understanding of the technology and its applications

• explanations of the differences between VRF and alternative technologies

• information on the availability and comparability of systems

• information on the calculation of heating and cooling loads and effects on component selection

• an understanding and recognition of the importance of diversity and capacity ratios in VRF applications

• guidance on how to achieve energy efficient systems

• information on how best to specify VRF systems

• advice on commissioning procedures

• information on maintenance, training and resources


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