AIRAH SquareTwo of the world’s leading HVAC&R member organisations have put pen to paper on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) and the UK-based Institute of Refrigeration (IOR) formalised the agreement on January 14 at the ASHRAE Winter Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

The MoU is aimed at “furthering a more effective and beneficial exchange of knowledge and ideas in the HVAC&R industry”. In practical terms it will provide the members of AIRAH and IOR access to each other’s considerable banks of technical resources, foster global collaboration on research projects, and provide shared training opportunities.

The two organisations have also agreed to give full support to International Refrigeration Day, slated for June 26. The day will see refrigeration-themed celebrations taking place across the globe including in the UK and Australia to raise the profile of the industry.

AIRAH president Ian Harwood, F.AIRAH, says the MoU is a perfect move for both organisations and specifically supports AIRAH’s strategic aims.

“We are always looking to highlight the importance of the R in AIRAH,” says Harwood. “Our agreement with the Institute of Refrigeration will help us achieve that. It will also allow HVAC&R professionals on opposite sides of the globe to access each other’s knowledge and best practices, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.”

IOR president Kevin Glass, FInstR, applauds the agreement.

“Our organisations have a long and proud history in their respective countries, with the IOR founded in 1899 and AIRAH in 1920,” says Glass. “A century later, the challenges we face are more intrinsically linked than ever, especially with the HFC phase-down driving major change all over the world, and the growing focus on sustainability – a focus that we share.”

The presidents thanked AIRAH CEO Tony Gleeson, M.AIRAH, and IOR immediate past president Steve Gill, FInstR, for laying the groundwork for the historic agreement.

The key areas of the MoU include:

Membership and networking

  • Members of one society will be able to attend conferences and events of the other on the same terms as applicable to the members of the host society. This will extend to education programs, including eLearning and webinars.

Development of standards

  • Both organisations will promote standard development activities in Australia and the UK, and share available knowledge on the subject, including possible advocacy positions and themes.



  • AIRAH and the IOR will collaborate on publications and develop procedures to make them more easily available to members of the partner organisation
  • The two organisations will support the development of joint articles on the issues and similarities of the Australian and UK HVAC&R industries. This will take place annually, and be printed in the organisations’ publications.

Policy statements and position statements

  • Each organisation may be given opportunities by the other to comment on proposed policy and position statements developed on technical subjects. If further collaboration is mutually beneficial, these opportunities will be explored.

Cooperation on exhibitions and conferences

  • AIRAH and the IOR will help disseminate information and promote each other’s major events.


For any further details on the Memorandum of Understanding, please email the IOR at


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