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Retail Refrigeration Road Map


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Retail Refrigeration Road Map

The Carbon Trust, The Institute of Refrigeration and The British Refrigeration Association have worked together to develop a 'road map', as a guide to the steps that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions in retail refrigeration applications.

The Road Map project investigates the technologies that could potentially be used to improve efficiency and reduce the emissions associated with refrigeration, and prioritise them in terms of carbon saving potential, relative cost and commercial maturity.

The outputs of this work are aimed at the food retail sector, including; refrigeration managers, property managers, energy managers, finance managers, and business owners. These groups can use the map to identify their company's current status, and to clearly see what the next steps (short, medium and long term) are for their business.

The Road Map was produced in 2010 and is free to download from the Carbon Trust.



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