Events listing

The IOR offers a variety of events incuding Conferences, Paper Evenings, Branch Meetings and the largest gathering in the RAC calendar, the Institute of Refrigeration Annual Dinner. 

A variety of relevant events organised by other bodies are also supported as they may be of technical interest to members.

7 Nov 2024 36 Cambridge St, Glasgow G2 3HN Join IOR Scotland on 7th November for the highlight of its annual calendar. Find out more
14 Nov 2024 10:00 - 11:00 The IOR masterclass series is designed to support RACHP apprentices or anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge of the fundamentals of RACHP. Find out more
20 Nov 2024 13:00 - 13:40 Join this webinar to find out more about how you can become a Fellow of the IOR (FInstR).  Fellows are recognised leaders in their field with a long-term commitment to the sector and to the IOR, and... Find out more
5 Dec 2024 10:00 - 11:00 The IOR masterclass series is designed to support RACHP apprentices or anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge of the fundamentals of RACHP. Find out more
5 Dec 2024 16:00 - 17:00 Join the IOR to hear from J&E Hall Gold Medal Winner Professor Yulong Ding as he gives his paper "Thermomechanical energy conversion and storage for cooling and heating decarbonisation: A... Find out more