The Hampshire Refrigeration Society Exhibition is taking place at the Macdonald Botley Park Hotel, Winchester Road, Boorley Green, Southampton, SO32 2UA on Thursday 7th October 2021.
The day will begin with an HRS Technical Breakfast Briefing at 8.45am.
At 10 am the doors to the exhibition will open and visitors will have until 7 pm to explore the exhibition.
New products and equipment will be on display, and you will have the chance to meet and chat with many leading industry professionals.
There will be three Champagne business card draws and a raffle prize draw towards the end of the evening.
Full details can be found at the HRS facebook page
8.45: Tea, coffee and bacon rolls
9.00: SMART AIR CONDITIONING INNOVATIONS”- Damian Wiszniewski MInstR, Business Development Manager of Samsung Climate Solutions
9.25: REFRIGERATION 2022 – TIME FOR A NEW NORMAL Neil Roberts, Technical Sales Manager of IDS Refrigeration (Climalife)
9.50: Presentation of the “WORLD REFRIGERATION DAY” Award