ben squareThe IOR Fund set up by Linde Refrigeration Ltd as a memorial to Mike Tinsley exists to encourage young engineers and their training and development, especially the physically handicapped. It was set up in honour of past member Mike Tinsley, who was described by those who worked with him as a very model of an engineer - committed to his profession, to his company and his colleagues and clients. Mike had suffered from polio and in spite of not being expected to walk again, through his own determination was able to pursue a career as an engineering manager for 25 years at Linde Refrigeration and during this time inspired and trained many new technicians.   


The Trustees would welcome any applications from individuals with physical challenges, for funding of up to £1,000 grants towards their training.  Applications can be submitted at any time but they must be made in writing to the Trustees outlining on no more than 1 page of A4 what training need would be addressed, how this is expected to help you in your career and a short bio or career background including a picture of the applicant at work. The grant can be spent on a training course, practical support or specialist tools and therapies. Successful applicants are required to provide a review of how the money has been spent (including invoices) and how their career has developed as a result of the grant within an agreed time frame.  The money will be allocated based on likely impact of the training on the individual’s career prospects.  Applicants must be members of the IOR at any grade of membership or subscribers to its Service Engineers Section. The judges may award up to five grants in any financial year and applicants can apply for support for a period of up to 3 years if necessary to support longer term training.


The Judging Panel includes: Steve Gill (Past IOR President), John Fraser (Past Chairman of IOR Scotland), both of whom knew Mike Tinsley, and the IOR Hon Treasurer Nick Rivers. Please submit applications to


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