At the AGM on 3rd November, the IOR announced the results of its Trustee Elections. Three members stood for the two vacancies this year, and members elected Paul Singh FInstR and Damian Wiszniewski MInstR to join the IOR Board of Trustees.

Chairing the AGM, IOR President Mike Creamer FInstR thanked all three candidates who stood for election to the Board of Trustees for their willingness to volunteer to serve on the Board. He also thanked Board Members whose term has now come to an end, Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR, Juliet Loiselle MInstR, and Kevin Glass FInstR, for their contribution and support.  Mike formally handed over the role of President to Graeme Fox FInstR who was elected by the membership last year.

About the new Trustees

Paul Singh has been working in the RACHP sector for over 45 years in Training and Assessment roles. Paul has a particular interest in addressing key issues facing our sector including training, raising awareness and image, recruitment and environmental impact.

Damian Wiszniewski currently serves as the Chair of the Membership Committee. He has been an active member of the HVACR community for the last 10 years, and also supports the Hampshire Refrigeration Society as Vice-Chair and is a member of the IOR Southwest Branch steering group.

A complete list of current Trustees and information about the role and elections processes are available on the IOR website at