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Design and Applications Engineers specification (GNET5) May 2021
IOR Specification for the role of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heat Pump System Design and/or Applications Engineer
This guidance note is published by the Institute of Refrigeration, the professional body for the RACHP sector, affiliated to the Engineering Council. The purpose of this document is to describe the occupation and map the skills, knowledge and behaviours that are required for those working in any application, sector or role as a Systems Design and/or Applications Engineer. The content is deliberately generic (i.e. not specific to any one specialist function) to provide employers, engineers and those developing training courses with an industry-recognised standard against which to map their training and development. It identifies where those skills, knowledge and behaviour areas are fundamental to this occupation as well as including others that should be considered in order to provide a broader context of requirements for those working in this occupation at different levels and functions.
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Technical information on refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps: