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Introduction to ammonia refrigeration from the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration
The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration's bulletin R1 was originally published in 1983 and was revised in 2007. This modified version has been adapted for a British audience and is published by the Institute of Refrigeration, with IIAR's permission.
It provides a broad range of information on many topics related to ammonia refrigeration. The bulletin begins with a chapter on general information about ammonia, which provides the reader with a fairly broad exposure to many aspects of ammonia, including its history, properties, uses, advantages, etc. Other chapters cover topics such as "Operator Responsibilities," "Chemical Safety," and several other important topics related to ammonia. This document has been written to provide information to the industry and is not recommended for any sort of regulatory/mandatory use.
The information provided here is accurate to the best knowledge of the authors, but should not be a substitute for good engineering judgment. This document is for general information only. An ammonia refrigeration facility properly designed, installed, and maintained will be a safe operation. The observance of codes and standards governing installations and operations, methods of testing systems and equipment, development by manufacturers of efficient ammonia equipment and the adoption of good work practices have made ammonia the refrigerant of choice for a wide range of applications.
(28 pages - pdf download)
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