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Scroll compressors with vapour injection for commercial equipment


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Scroll compressors with vapour injection for commercial equipment

Improvements to the simple vapour compression cycle are well known, but frequently costly to implement. The vapour injected scroll provides a cost effective way of capturing some of the potential of the so-called economised cycle. Where increasing efficiency demands are being made in a competitive environment, this can provide a real, field proven solution.

Details of the construction of the internal vapour flow passages will be shown, and the optimisation of the port position will be discussed. The paper covers practical experience as well as the theory with heat pump and supermarket systems. In summary the benefits are:

  • Field demonstrated 10% COP improvement over Standard Scroll in Supermarket LT system
  • Ability to cover the full range of operating conditions for an Air/Water R407C heat pump
  • Demonstration of Calculated Seasonal Efficiency Benefit using the Vapour injected Scroll in Heat Pump systems