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Efficient and renewable energy in building services


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Efficient and renewable energy in building services

The Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB) is a unique, teaching, research and demonstration resource for the built environment hosting a number of renewable and intelligent energy solutions. The Centre has direct access to data from all the different technologies providing the services to the working building, together with the innovative technologies built into the Centre itself. There is also the ability to showcase developing technologies and to trial new products in a real life setting where the results can be closely monitored. This makes it a invaluable resource for understanding how to design, operate and manage technologies for future low carbon buildings - both new build and retrofit. The data from the monitoring systems is available via web interfaces that allows it to be used for collaborative research worldwide, giving the Centre an important international dimension.

Technologies to be discussed include: pyranometer, weather station, thermal wheel, phase change material, solar fibre optics, evacuated tubes, pv panels, ground source heat pumps, absorption chiller, combined heat and power, pv integrated roof light, real time buiding management system and workplace footprint tracker.

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