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BCGA Code of Practice 44 - Storage of gas cylinders


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BCGA Code of Practice 44 - Storage of gas cylinders


This Code of Practice from the British Compressed Gases Associatin BCGA provides advice and guidance for the safe storage of gas cylinders. It gives guidance on the construction and management of gas cylinder stores and provides
information on the hazards likely to be encountered. It shall be used when siting and constructing storage facilities or when reviewing the safety and suitability of existing storage facilities. It does not preclude the use of alternative designs, materials and methods, when they provide equivalent standards of safety. The content of this publication is in line with advice from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Where gas cylinders are stored in conjunction with other packaged dangerous substances additional guidance should be sought, refer to HSE HSG 71 (24). Chemical warehousing. The storage of packaged dangerous substances.

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