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IOR Proceedings Volume 113 (2016-17) CDrom

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IOR Proceedings Volume 113 (2016-17) CDrom

Annual Proceedings of the Institute of Refrigeration Volume 113 includes technical papers published and reports of the IOR meetings for 2016 – 17.  The Proceedings are produced on a CDRom for dispatch by post.


Minutes of Meetings

Report of the Executive Council

Development of R290 Transport Refrigeration System – D Colbourne

Domestic Refrigerater Design Safety – M Beasley

Extending the Global Reach of Refrigeration – I Tansley (J&E Hall Gold Medal Winner)

Refrigerant Choices for the Future. Small Industrial Applications – R Lamb

Refrigerant Contamination and Counterfeiting – D Cranvey

The Development History of Engineering in the Food Freezing UK Retail Market – D Everington


ISBN   978-1-872719-37-5

NOTE - All of these publications are available individually as free downloads from this website for Members. 


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