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Implications when using refrigerants with glide in commercial refrigeration (GN27)


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Implications when using refrigerants with glide in commercial refrigeration (GN27)

This guidance note originally published in 2016   has now been updated (2021)

Since 2015 the introduction of the regulation EU 517/2014 has been driving the industry to use lower GWP refrigerants and since 1st January 2020 the use of R-404A or R-507A (and other refrigerants with a GWP>2500) in systems with more than ~10kg of refrigerant charge has been banned. This has led to a number of lower GWP zeotropic blends to be introduced, some as retrofit options and some for new equipment only.

This guidance covers key properties of refrigerants, system performance measures, temperature glide, glide effect on performance and use issues.


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