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Beyond Refrigeration Policy Brief 4 - Refrigerant Management Strategies


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Beyond Refrigeration Policy Brief 4 - Refrigerant Management Strategies

The IOR Beyond Refrigeration initiative is preparing Policy Papers on key aspects highlighted in the template that are dependent on supporting national policy, legislation, and incentives.   

The topic of refrigerant containment underpins many of the critical issues in Beyond Refrigeration template. The issues around containment are expanded upon below together with existing and suggested policy options to support improved practices.

Refrigerants are an essential working fluid for all mechanical cooling and many heat pump-based systems.  There is no “ideal” refrigerant – the different fluids have properties that affect the environment including global warming potential, ozone depletion potential, flammability, high pressure, toxicity, dangers of chemical breakdown etc.  See the IOR Guidance Note 37 on Selection of Refrigerant and the Policy Brief 3 for recommendations on selecting suitable refrigerant fluids.

This Policy Brief focuses on taking a strategic approach to managing the refrigerant in use to reduce environmental impact both direct through leakage during use or at end of life, and indirect through increased energy use of systems running inefficiently whether due to leakage of refrigerant or suboptimal system design.

The IOR environment work can be viewed at

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