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Debate: Heat Pumps or Passive Cooling joint event with the CIBSE/ASHRAE Group


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Debate: Heat Pumps or Passive Cooling joint event with the CIBSE/ASHRAE Group

This debate evening will provide two short papers with opposing views. Authors will argue which technology will provide the most effective low carbon solution for builidings in the future.


The case for Passive Cooling technologies will be proposed by Becci Taylor of Arup, representing the CIBSE ASHRAE Groupr.


The basis of Becci’s discussion will be that well designed passive buildings are cheaper to run and better to be in. Becci will explore the benefits of passive cooling in a number of projects around the world. She will discuss the design drivers and user benefits of passive cooling over refrigeration. Her argument will consider the implications of regulatory environments which do not encourage good passive design. Good passive design can lead to buildings that require small mechanical inputs to provide year round comfort in a number of climates. Defaulting to refrigeration to accommodate architectural aspirations or inappropriate briefs often makes buildings less pleasant to occupy.


The alternate case for Heat Pump technologies will be offered by David Butler of the HVAC Engineering and Building Diagnostics Building Technology Group of the BRE (Building Research Establishment) and a member of the IOR Technical Committee.


The two short presentations will be folllowed by questions, debate and discussion amongst the audience.