Guide to becoming a Trustee


Becoming an IOR Trustee

Legal responsibilities

The IOR is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Trustees are responsible to the IOR membership for the effective operation of the IOR and for steering its future direction but they also have legal responsibilities similar to those of Company Directors under the Charities Act. The IOR is regulated by the Charity Commission and the usual business law. The responsibilities of Trustees are serious. The Charity Commission states “Trustees have and must accept ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the charity, ensuring that it is solvent and well run, and delivering charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public for which it was set up”. This includes:

·     Ensuring compliance with Charity Law and any other legislation or statutory obligations that apply to the organisation

·     Ensuring compliance with the Charity’s own constitution and objectives

·     Ensuring prudence in financial operation, management of funds and reporting to further the purposes and aims of the Charity.

·     Managing staff, premises and other resources

·     Exercising a duty of care using their personal knowledge and expertise to ensure that the organisation is well run and professionally represented

·     Identifying when external expertise is required or a conflict of interests occurs.                                       

In practice all Trustees therefore must commit to:

·     taking part in four IOR Board meetings organised each year in order to make key decisions, provide direction and be assured that the IOR’s finances are in order

·     preparing an Annual Report to the members to accompany the audited accounts and signing off the accounts

·     respond to other correspondence and make necessary decisions between meetings

·     being aware that they are representing the Institute when they attend industry meetings

·     declaring any related interests that might lead to a conflict of interest in decision making

·     ensuring that decisions are made on behalf of the Charity that carry out their management powers and responsibilities effectively and diligently. 

How the Board of Trustees works

The IOR Board meets four times a year to discuss strategic issues and priorities – three of these meetings are usually on line and one full day in person.  The Board members also take an active role in the work of the IOR by joining committees, steering groups and representing the IOR at industry meetings. 

The Meetings of the Board are chaired by the President. They cover key strategic issues such as membership, marketing, communications, scope, education, events, technical etc.  The Board members take part in decision making on policy issues and financial matters such as recommending membership fees or changes to grading.  They also monitor legal obligations around risk, conflict of interest, financial reserves and investments, and employment. This ensures that the IOR’s assets and income are managed appropriately. Each year at the AGM the report to members and the Charity Commission on results and future plans. Anyone considering joining the IOR Board must therefore be prepared to take part in all four meetings, as well as voluntary attendance at committee, working group and other IOR events.

Current Board priority areas

Each year the Board set strategic priorities for the IOR as the way to achieve our long term strategic objectives to grow the Institute in order to remain relevant to the whole sector, represent it with authority an ensure sustainable income to provide technical, education and networking services.  These priorities are published on the IOR website and in news articles.

Composition of the IOR Board 

The Board consists of nine elected members (plus the President-Elect if in post). Two new members of the Board are elected by members each year. Elected members normally serve for three years.  Member, Fellow, Technician and Associate grade members can stand for election as Trustees.    New Trustees are inducted to the Board through a briefing session with the President and Chief Executive. They are provided with information about their legal obligations, meetings schedule, current strategic priorities and key documents such as Declarations of Interest, Risk Assessment, Constitution and Rules and Budgets.  A list of current Board members is available at

IOR has standing committees covering topics such as Finance, Membership, Technical, Education, Environment, International, Service Engineers, Papers & Publications, Environment.  Working groups cover SIRACH, Young Engineers, Women in RACHP, Apprenticeships, Conferences and Dinner.

The IOR employs a staff of 3 full time and 2 part time personnel from our office in Carshalton, Surrey.

For more about the legal obligations of becoming a Trustee see

IOR Constitution and rules

Making sure IOR meets charitable objectives

The IOR’s objects are:

The general advancement of refrigeration in all its applications, in relation both to the perfection of its methods, and to the extension of its services to the community.

To promote means for communication between members and their interchange of views.

To encourage invention and research in all matters relating to the science and practice of refrigeration.

To promote a sustainable approach to all aspects of refrigeration system design and operation

To co-operate with educational institutions for the furtherance of education in the science and practice of refrigeration.

To hold meetings of the Institute for reading and discussing papers dealing with refrigeration and allied subjects.

To publish and distribute the proceedings or reports of the Institute.

To do all other things, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.