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IOR BRA Commercial Code of Practice Part 9: Skills, Qualifications and Training


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IOR BRA Commercial Code of Practice Part 9: Skills, Qualifications and Training

This free guide gives an overview of current qualifications and certificates available for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump technicians, operatives, service, maintenance and installation personnel.

It outlines the requirements of the new RACHP Apprenticeship Standard ("trailblazer") which is now the recognised standard that technicians entering the workplace should attain. Some training providers began offering this new apprenticeship from 2018 and others are just beginning to move over to the updated scheme. The new apprenticeship requires a higher level of involvement of employers in managing the process and ensuring adequate on the job training takes place.

The guide also lists other older qualifications and apprenticeship schemes, mandatory and voluntary certificates of training and registration of personnel (ACRIB SKILLCARD).

Prepared by ACRIB (The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Board and jointly published by the BRA and IOR as part of its Commercial Refrigeration Code, this section is equally relevant to any sector of the industry to promote good practice in skills, qualifications and training.