Wednesday 26th June 2019 aron visuals 435465 unsplash

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The IOR is a proud supporter of the World Refrigeration Day campaign.  The initiative will raise the profile of the important contribution that refrigeration air conditioning and heat pumps make globally across so many aspects of modern life – from medical, to food supply and farming, process engineering to data and IT, refrigeration technologies are essential and yet go widely unrecognised.

This global event will bring together the worlds community to celebrate the success and achievements of the RACHP sector through a series of international events and a social media campaign.

IOR initiatives to support World Refrigeration Day include:

  • Join up now! A one-off discount on the first years joining fee available to all new members who apply before 26th June.  Join up now!
  • Fantastic Fridges. Live launch of the new "Cooling Science" and "Cool Careers" sections of this  website for school children, linked to the UK National Curriculum. Refrigeration science made fun with videos, games and technology explainers.  An interactive careers area shows different career paths and opportunities.  See the current site (under redevelopment)
  • Icy Challenge for schools. The IOR will be launching a competition for schools to produce short videos of practical experiments related to cooling science - loads of prizes including trips, equipment and a first prize of £2000 for the school. Details to be announced soon - schools can register their interest in taking part here.
  • Careers in Cooling. Live viewing of the IOR video all about the contribution of refrigeration and air conditioning to modern society. Watch on You Tube 
  • Women in RACHP 100 for 100 campaign is aiming to increase the number of female members in the IOR to 100 by 23rd June, International Women in Engineering day.
  • Celebrate World Refrigeration Day at the East of England Arena, UK.  A World Refrigeraiton Day Pavillion at the Temperature Controlled Storage and Distribution Exhibition at the East of England Arena will feature live broadcast talks focusing on different aspects of the RACHP industry hosted by ACRIB (
  • Celebrate World Refrigeration Day at Practical Refrigeration Training Centre in Burnley, UK. The day includes a Skill Fridge Competition and information, advice and breakout area. Full details and booking information can be found here.
  • Celebrate World Refrigeration Day in Madrid, Spain. The professional associations AEFYT (Asociación de Empresas de Frio Y sus Tecnologías), AFAR (Asociaicón de Fabricantes andaluces de Refigeración) and AFEC (Asociación de Fabricantes Españoles de Climatización) are joining together to host an event in Madrid's “Ateneo” the home of important lectures by famous politicians and scientists.   The event will be from 10:30 until 14:30 with a conference, two debates with industry experts and a journalist, and at the end a networking celebration.

Keep track of everything that will be happening at 



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