The IOR is looking for views from engineers, employers, trainers and others on the essential skills, knowledge and behaviours required by the RACHP sector for individual engineers working as Design and or Application Engineers. Based on a draft occupation map under development a Working Group of the IOR Education Policy Committee would welcome your views on these key questions:

1. Do you feel this adequately represents the broad skills, knowledge and behaviours required in your experience?
2. How do you think you might use this map to help support employees and your business?
3. Do you have any specific comments to make on the draft occupation map below?

Please send your comments to the IOR  by 15th March

You can download the draft occupation map here .


This initiative is part of the IOR's strategic priorities for 2021-2 that focus on supporting skills, training and young persons entering our industry.  A working group of employers, trainers and others representing the diverse range of activities in the RACHP sector is co-ordinating this work.  Please get in touch if you would like to be kept informed of progress.