Apprenticeships - the way forward

9 Dec 2021 11:00 to 12:00

A high-quality apprenticeship delivered through a network of expert trainers and assessors is essential for the future of the Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heat pump industry.  In 2015 the first industry-led "Trailblazer" apprenticeship was approved and funded at Level 3 - showing the importance and skill levels required to work in the RACHP sector. It focused on a strong knowledge of the fundamentals and applying skills in the workplace.  In recent months the first sets of apprentices have started to come out with their new Level 3 Apprenticeships.
This open meeting will explore how the Level 3 apprenticeship works and based on experience of delivery, what changes are being proposed to further improve the Standard and Assessment Plans already in place. 
The meeting is designed for employers of apprentices and trainees to give them a chance to better understand how the scheme works and how it is evolving in the future.  It will provide an overview of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by a Level 3 apprentice, how the employer supports their training on the job, the role of training centres in delivering knowledge and the responsibilities of the apprentice for recording work experience.
We will be asking employers to contribute their views on questions such as:
- Should all apprentices be required to complete Qualifications to prove their knowledge?
- How can evidence from their day to day be taken into account?
- What can employers do to support improved standards and invest in the future of the industry?