Clean and efficient refrigeration solutions for food and healthcare sectors in developing countries

13 Apr 2022 12:50 to 14:45

Open Access Workshop. This session of the 7th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain is open to non-conference delegates. 

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Projects on clean and efficient refrigeration solutions for food and healthcare sectors in developing countries

This workshop gathers the ongoing projects in developing countries that will help promote the adoption of climate-friendly cold chain, air conditioning and refrigeration techniques as well as the introduction of sustainable off-grid solutions in both food and healthcare sectors

  • Welcome from IIR Director general Didier Coulomb 
  • The EU Sophia project - Sustainable Off-grid solutions for Pharmacies and Hospitals In Africa, Michal Kauffeld  of the University of Karlsrhue
  • The World Bank project - Improving Cold Chain in livestock and meat sector in Bangladesh, Judith Evans, World Bank and IIR 
  • INDEE+ - Supporting Indian refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector in the transition towards more environmentally friendly technology, Armin Hafner, Tthe Norwegian University of Science 
  • Africa Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain and Cold Chain Hubs, Toby Peters of the University of Birmingham 
  • The IIR cold chain book: Design and Operation Good Practice Guide for Walk-in Cold Rooms for agricultural produce and food in hot climates,  Giovanni Cortella, IIR
  • Discussion with a panel of experts moderated by Brian Holuj

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