Cool Talks - Heat Pumps

16 May 2023 16:00 to 17:00

Join us for this free webinar where there will be practical advice from experts.

Register here 


  • Myth Busting Heat Pumps - Laura Bishop, Chair of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association
  • Heat pumps and district heating – a case study. Catarina Marques Senior Research Fellow at London South Bank University

This Cool Talk is designed to give you plenty of opportunities to ask questions and hear from leading experts in the field. It is also a great introduction to the work of the IOR. 

A certificate of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) will be available.


Laura Bishop MInstR is Director of Infinitas Design Ltd and Chair of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association.   

Catarina Marques FInstR is a Senior Research Fellow at London South Bank University