Engineering Council Registration - Membership Matters

22 Mar 2023 15:00 to 15:45

Find out more about the grades, application processes and experiences of those recently registered at this IOR members gather meeting.

We talk you through the process and invite members who have gained Engineering Council recognition through the IOR to talk about their experiences and offer some useful tips and hints for preparing your application.

There will be a mix of people on the call - current registrants, those part way through their application process and others who just want to find out more. We will cover Chartered, Incorporated and Engineering Technician grades of registration.

The aim is to help members make contact with others who could assist them in preparing and completing their application - either as a sponsor or with more informal advice after the meeting. We meet regularly - every three months or so - to update on applications are progressing

Please look at the guidance available at before the event.

This Members gathering takes place every 3 months - new and regular attendees are invited to take part.

We look forward to meeting you at this IOR Members' gather meeting.

Sign into your account to register above.



Engineering Council Registration - membership matters webinar