Are you interested in becoming a Chartered Engineer but not sure what is involved, how long it will take or cost and whether you would be eligible? Institute of Refrigeration members can apply for registration with the Engineering Council at Chartered, Incorporated or Technician level - and new individual routes are also available for those without the approved qualifications who can use technical or practice reports as evidence. Find out more about the grades, application processes and experiences of those recently registered.
At this IOR WebChat we are inviting all members who have gained Engineering Council recognition through the IOR (or through other professional engineering institutes) to talk about their experiences and offer some useful tips and hints about the different routes and the interviews.
There will be a mix of people on the call - current registrants, those part way through their application process and others who just want to find out more. We will cover Chartered, Incorporated and Engineering Technician grades of registration.
The aim of this webchat is to help members make contact with others who could help them in preparing and completing their application - either as a sponsor or with more informal advice after the meeting. Members will be offered the opportunity to meet regularly - every three months or so - to update on how their application is progressing and encourage each other. In this way, we can share our successes over time and encourage others to start their Engineering Council registration process.
Please look at the guidance available at before the event.
If you cannot make this date please sign up anyway as you will receive a recording of this session and be invited to future events.
Future dates for this meeting:
Thursday 28th October 2021
Thursday 6th January 2022