Hampshire Regional Cool Talk Breakfast Briefing

2 Apr 2019

Regional Breakfast Briefing

Booking have now closed as the meeting if fully booked

The Hampshire Refrigeration Society in associate with the IOR is holding a FREE morning meeting for service engineers and technicians where there will be practical advice from manufacturers and suppliers. This networking meeting will give you a chance to ask questions on topical issues and meet others working in your location.

Attendance is free and open to all but numbers are limited so booking your place is essential. 

Booking information

Booking have now closed as the meeting if fully booked

Venue and Directions 

The meeting is being hosted by Kelvion at their research and development site at Fareham. Address is 20 Davis Way, Fareham, PO14 1AR.



08.15   Arrival with coffee, tea and bacon rolls  

08.40  Welcome and introduction 

08.45 Short talks on topical issues : 

  • Humidity in the workplace -  David Gates of Condair plc. (JS Humidifiers)
  • Chillers & process cooling - Brent Hall F.Inst.R of ICS Cool Energy
  • Further updates on refrigerants in 2019 - Peter Dinnage of IDS Refrigeration

9.50 Open forum discussion with question and answer session       

10.30 Meeting ends 


Supported by 

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