What are the critical issues for the future of our industry? 

19 Oct 2022 15:30 to 16:30

Event for IOR Members

Every three years the IOR reviews our key priorities - the areas where we want to devote more events and provide a focus for activity in order to make significant progress.  This webchat discussion is open to members to take part in discussing progress so far and help to plan for the future. We will look at each of the recent priorities, and some potential new ones and invite comment and questions.  There will also be time after the presentations for members to network or talk informally to Board members and others in virtual meeting rooms.


3.30 – Background to IOR strategic priorities and related activities during last three years - Miriam Rodway

3.40 – Why are these issues critical for the future? 

  • Leadership in education through a high-quality Apprenticeship standard 
  • Promoting our industry to schools and young people 
  • Setting the environmental agenda 
  • Supporting new members, encouraging student, technician and young people
  • Service and maintenance as the route to achieving reduced emissions 
  • Heat Pumps, skills and understanding of the technology option 
  • Promoting the professional development of members 

4.10 - Questions, comments and discussion

4.30 - Discussions continue informally in gathertown spaces

Register here to be sent a join link for the meeting in gathertown (members only)