Low GWP Alternative Refrigerants for Cooling - Skills Needs and Solutions

22 Jan 2018 10:00 to 12:00


  • Chairman: Didier Coulomb, Director General, Institute International du Froid/International Institute of Refrigeration 
  • "Introduction to Refrigerant Emissions and Leakage (REAL) and the drive to adopt low GWP alternative refrigerants" by Prof Graeme Maidment of  London South Bank Univeristy and Institute of Refrigeration
  • "What is different - the need to address skills shortages for alternative refrigerants" Marco Buoni, AREA Association of European Contractors and ATF Training (Italy)
  • "Training trainers to deliver alternative refrigerant handling courses" Karsten Beerman, Dipl-Ing, IKKE regional training centre, Germany


  • Refrigerants
  • Low GWP refrigerants
  • Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat pumps
  • Best Practices
  • Training and Certification
  • Reducing environmental impact


This free workshop will give you the opportunity to learn about the skills challenges of using low GWP refrigerants more widely. This workshop will explore the safety, reliability, environmental and containment issues related to new low flammables (HFO) as well as natural working fluids such as carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon and ammonia. Based on extensive European experience of training this workshop will introduce free e-learning, booklets, measurement tools and practical training and certification programmes that are being developed as a global resource. 

The workshop will introduce you to a new approach called  ''REAL Alternatives 4 life'' . The project addresses knowedge, awarness, and skills barriers to the rapid and widespread adoption of low GWP alternative refrigerants throught Europe, by providing reliable, unbased, consistent and up to date training materials linked to an extensive train the trainer programme.

Book on this workshop to find out the latest about how skills shortages are being addressed, and how you could access these free resources as a technician, engineer, manager, trainer or a national association dedicated to improving safety and skills standards.  See our website to view the materials before the event at www.realalternatives.eu.

