More ideas to promote RACHP to schools and young people

13 Oct 2021 15:15 to 16:00

In this IOR webchat members will share their experiences of working with schools on STEM projects to promote awareness of our industry and engage with young people. We will look at the role of STEM learning and the STEM ambassadors programme (Science Technology Engineering and Maths). This includes training available to help you prepare to give talks such as STEM Ambassadors and STEMAzingLtd.

We will also talk about the resources available from the IOR to support your STEM activity such as

The webchat will be for everyone to share ideas and experience to inspire each other to make contacts with schools, STEM and support careers initiatives.

We aim to build these into a STEM network to help inspire more members to involved in promoting careers and maybe even build a network of RACHP Ambassadors to share ideas in the future.

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