Making River Source Heat Pumps Work

9 Nov 2021 18:30 to 20:00

To coincide with COP 26 The Institution of Engineers in Scotland (IES) is holding a hybrid event that will showcase river source heat pump technology. A must for all interested in finding out more about technologies which are likely to feature in our everyday lives in years to come.


Book to attend or join online

Full details and registration information is available here 



Queens Quay is a £250 million regeneration of the former John Brown shipyard in Clydebank. Designed to take advantage of

its waterfront location, the development will feature a variety of mixed-use spaces and a pioneering district heating system. This system will utilise Scotland’s first major and the UK’s largest high-temperature water-sourced heat pump.

But just how do these technologies work? In this lecture Dave Pearson will take a look at how heat pumps and district heating systems operate, and their application in the Queens Quay development in Clydebank and other locations.

Speaker: Dave Pearson is Group Sustainable Development Director at Star Refrigeration.