Service Engineers Section webinar on refrigerant leak checking: direct, indirect and fixed

8 May 2019 10:30 to 11:30

ses logoThe IOR Service Engineers Section will be holding its next webinar exploring different views and approached to the always challenging activity of leak checking.  The webinar will give examples of how technicians and suppliers are working to get to grips with improving the effectiveness of our leak checking in the field.

The draft programme will be:

  • Indirect leak checking - using system air conditioning operating parameters and system logs to work out whether a system is working properly.  Ian Fisher of Air Master
  • Direct leak detection  - good practice on maintaining and using your hand held leak detector and trace gases. Adam Radford of Fairfield Technologies / Yellow Jacket
  • When do you need fixed leak detection. Karl Roberts, Bacharach

The 1 hr session will be chaired by Mike Nankivell of the ACRIB F Gas Implementation Group who will be on hand to answer F Gas Reg questions.

Register here to take part live or be sent a recording after the event

This event is organised by the IOR section for Service Engineers, that offers regular mailing and news designed for field engineers. Find out about how you can get the postal mailings and download bulletins at