Smart Energy Networks of the Future

4 Jul 2019 09:30 to 16:30

On the 4th July, the SIRACH Network will hold a meeting focusing on Smart Energy Networks of the Future. 

In order to tackle climate change, most countries worldwide have set ambitious targets to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A significant focus has been placed on the decarbonisation of the electrical grid leading to sustained growth in renewable energy. Decarbonisation of heating and cooling in urban areas has been facilitated by the deployment of local heating and cooling networks. These smart energy networks deliver low carbon, affordable energy to local communities by connecting flexible electricity demands such as heat pumps to intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar power. The use of district heat networks varies widely between different countries and across the world with key differences in technologies and implementation. This workshop will share knowledge on the development, challenges, and opportunities of smart energy networks. 

The meeting will bring together experts in the field of smart networks to share their insights.



Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, Islington, N1 2UD



Booking now open. Click here to book your place using  Eventbrite. 



9.30     Welcome from Cllr Claudia Webbe, Executive Member for Environment and Transport, Islington Council

9.40     Why low-temperature networks are important in the future.  Bob Critoph, LoT-NET

10.00   GreenSCIES: a feasibility study of a fifth-generation district heating and cooling integrated smart energy network in London. Islington Council

10.20   Secondary heating and cooling opportunities in cities - Joanna Kuleszo, Project Luster

10.40   Coffee break

11.00   Networking workshop - Future potential of smart energy networks.

  • This session will discuss where smart energy networks will be by 2050. It will explore what changes will be required in attitudes, behaviour, and legislation to promote and popularise their use.

1.00     Lunch

2.00    Lessons learned from current smart energy projects - Tanja Groves, Sweco.

2.20   Case Study from Islington: How heat networks can deliver social, environmental and financial benefits to a local community Francis Ugboma, Head of Energy, Islington Council

2.40   Creating bankable energy assets in London's South Bank, Rajvant Nijjhar, Bankenergi  

3.00   Available funding for heat networks -  Joel Hamilton, BEIS, Heat Network Delivery Unit 


This programme may be subject to change 


Supporting partners 

Islingtojn  GreenScies