In order to tackle climate change most countries worldwide have set ambitious targets to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Significant focus has been placed on the decarbonisation of the electrical grid leading to a sustained growth in renewable energy. Decarbonisation of heating and cooling in urban areas has been facilitated by the deployment of local heating and cooling networks. These smart energy networks deliver low carbon, affordable energy to local communities by connecting flexible electricity demands such as heat pumps to intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar power. The use of district heat networks varies widely between different countries and across the world with key differences in technologies and implementation. This workshop aims to share knowledge on the development, challenges and opportunities of smart energy networks. The ICR 2019 will bring together academic and industry stakeholders with expertise in heat pumps, energy recovery and efficiency and legislation, regulations and standardization making it a perfect forum for this workshop.
Room 520ad at the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Montreal Canada.
It is only possible to attend this meeting if you are a registered delegate of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Montreal Canada
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