The South West and South Wales Refrigeration Society (SWRS) is holding a Technical Breakfast Meeting.
This will be a FREE morning meeting for service engineers, technicians, projects, sales and management teams. There will be practical advice from manufacturers and suppliers and gives you a chance to ask questions on topical issues and help you to meet others working in your location.
This event features three esteemed speakers who will delve into topics including energy efficiency, the impact of refrigeration system designs, and the various applications of VRF condensing units
10 April 2024. 8:30am - 11.00am
Bath College, Somer Valley Campus, Wells Road, Radstock, BA3 3RW
This event is organised by the SWRS. By registering for this event delegates are agreeing to their details and any contact information supplied being shared with both the SWRS and Bath College.
As this meeting is being held at an educational centre where under 18's may be present. On arrival, delegates may need to sign in and supply their contact information to the college.