Recognition as a Fellow of the IOR is a substantial honour that distinguishes an individual as an ambassador and technical leader and recognises their unique contribution to the RACHP sector. Fellows are appointed by the IOR Membership Committee at a special meeting once a year with application statements reviewed against the criteria below:
IOR Fellows, who can use the designation FInstR after their name, must meet these criteria:
View our short webinar explaining
what being an IOR Fellow means
Individuals may apply for consideration as Fellow or the IOR Nominations Committee may also invite individuals to apply. All applicants must prepare a comprehensive Fellow Nomination application (see below). There is no fee for applying but if accepted you will pay a higher annual renewal membership fee.
If you are considering applying for Fellow please consider this eligibility checklist:
November – Join our webinar on Fellow requirements and application process. See the Events calendar for future events.
1st December – Deadline for submission of online application
Early February – Membership Committee advise you of outcome of your application
End February – Announcement of IOR Fellows for that year made at Annual Dinner by the President.
Your application will be considered against the eligibility checklist and criteria above by the Membership Committee of the IOR. This takes place once a year at a special Committee meeting. The Committee may request further information if insufficient detail is provided and applicants may have to resubmit in the subsequent year.
a) Demonstrating commitment and involvement beyond your day-to-day job responsibilities. This is likely to be very diverse and individual. Some recent examples include: giving regular talks to IOR, branches or other associations on technical topics, being a volunteer mentor to someone new to the industry, writing or published technical articles or academic papers, appointment to an IOR, FETA, BESA, CIBSE committees or representing your industry on a Standards committee, helped young people or students to develop their career through initiatives such as SkillFRIDGE, giving talks to schools through STEM ambassadors or local careers fairs, contributing to development of qualifications, winning a personal award from the IOR or other organisation. The online application form allows 400 words to describe this.
b) Demonstrating Leadership and Technical responsibilities. You should be able to detail responsibilities at work over the past 10-15 years that show technical or managerial leadership contributing to the future of the industry through your business activity. This includes considerable theoretical knowledge and practical experience through some examples of your work or jobs undertaken. Your current job title and responsibilities should reflect a senior management role eg Chief Executive, Managing Director, Head of Contracts, Chief Engineer, Principal Lecturer etc. Include accreditation by other relevant professional bodies e.g. CEng, EngTech, IEng, MIMechE, MCIBSE, MASHRAE. Technical qualifications are not essential but include details if you hold them as they will also be taken into consideration. (400 words)
c) Demonstrating involvement in IOR. Confirm that you have been a member and at what grade for over 10 years by stating your date of joining and grades of membership held since then. Detail how you have been involved with the IOR for example attending technical events, giving or contributing to IOR technical talks or guidance notes, membership of any IOR committees, working groups, branches etc. (400 words)
d) Additional information. If you have addition information to support your application this can be uploaded as pdf documents to your application. It is not obligatory.
e) Names of supporters. You must provide names and emails of two supporters who are members of the IOR. One of these must be a Fellow of the IOR and the other can be any grade of membership. The Membership Secretary will contact them for a reference.
If you have any queries or need any advise please contact the Membership Secretary.