IOR AGM 3rd November 2022 at 4pm online

All IOR members are invited to attend the AGM of the IOR which will be held on online this year


(note the AGM was moved to the online platform due to advertised train strikes in London, the strike dates were moved at very short notice but the AGM will continue online only to avoid further disruption for those wishing to take part) 


A G E N D A    

  1. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 4th November 2021 (see appendix 1).
  2. To receive the Annual Review and Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31st March 2022 for the Charitable Incorporated Institute of Refrigeration no 1166869
  3. To receive the Financial Report of the Honorary Treasurer and consider for adoption, the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheets for the year ended 31st March 2022.
  4. To appoint as auditors for the next set of accounts, Myrus Smith and Partners of Sutton, Surrey and to authorise the Board of Trustees to agree remuneration.
  5. To consider and, if thought fit, approve the Board of Trustee motion for subscription rate increase for the year commencing 1st April 2023 as below:


Grade                                                                                          2022                       2023

Fellow                                                                                         £109                       £111

Member                                                                                      £99                         £101

Associate Member                                                                     £89                         £91

Affiliate                                                                                        £89                         £91

Technician                                                                                  £57                         £58

Student/Young Person/Pre-Affiliate                                          £30                         £31


  1. To confirm the appointment of Trustees and Officers of the Institute of Refrigeration from those listed on the voting site and on the IOR website.
  2. To confirm amendment to the Membership Grade Interpretation Rules as appendix 2
  3. Any other business notified in accordance with the Constitution given in writing to the Chief Executive at least 14 days before the meeting.



AGM papers and Appendices to download