ChrisWe were sad to learn that Chris Lester of the Grismby Ice Factor Great GIFT group passed away over the weekend. Chris was a co-author of a technical paper for the IOR in 2014 on the history of the Ice Factory.  For many years, Chris was involved with industrial heritage and was an energetic member of the committee organising Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days as well as devoting much time to deliver talks on the history of Grimsby Ice Factory.

A wonderful ambassador for the Ice Factory and proposals to preserve and redevelop the site based on preserving its heritage, Chris gave his talk to groups up and down the country, telling the story of Grimsby Ice production.  He bridged the gap between the heritage and the industrial sector by presenting the paper to the IOR and contributing an Ice Factory timeline to the Institute’s ‘Fantastic Fridges’ educational website. 

An online version of his history talk from 2020 is available at

The paper given jointly with Guy Hundy FInstR is available to download here