IOR Membership Renewal

 It's time to renew your membership to continue enjoying access to the IOR's extensive technical library, stay updated on valuable networking opportunities, and take advantage of exclusive discounts at selected events. 


Latest RACHP EngTech Bulletins Available

Bulletins on the impact of dirty condenser coils as well as on distributors and flooded evaporators are now available to subscribers of the IOR EngTech technical mailing.


IOR’s STEM Toolkit Shortlisted for the ACR News Award

The Institute is delighted to announce that the IOR STEM Toolkit has been shortlisted for an ACR News Award in the Training Initiative category. 


Celebrating the Past, Present and Future of the IOR

During her speech at the IOR Dinner on 27 February, IOR President Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR reflected on the IOR’s 125-year legacy of innovation, collaboration, and dedication.

Live event

The IOR Recognises Outstanding Achievements

The IOR Annual Dinner, held in London on 27 February 2025, celebrated outstanding individual contributions to the advancement of the RACHP industry and recognised businesses for their dedication to sustainability with the Beyond Refrigeration Environmental Award. Five awards were presented during the evening


Institute of Refrigeration Recognises New Fellows

IOR recognises the contribution to the industry of members who were appointed Fellows at the IOR dinner on 27th February. Read more about their achievements.


Paper on the Circular Economy in the Refrigeration Sector

The paper from the very first IOR Beyond Refrigeration Environmental Award winners is now available for download!

Online event

Joining us at the Annual Dinner on 27th February?

We can’t wait to welcome you at our new venue - the Hilton London Bankside and to celebrate our Institute’s 125th Year Anniversary! 

Live event

Catch-Up on the IOR February TechTalk

Catch up on the IOR February TechTalk which provided key insights into energy usage in the UK’s industrial refrigeration sector as part of the government project TICR (Transport, Industrial, Commercial Refrigeration).

Online event

Obituary - Ian Garvey FInstR

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ian Garvey. An IOR member since 2006, Ian played a pivotal role in shaping the industry through his work with the BRA Commercial Refrigerated Cabinets Section, contributing tirelessly for 25 years.


The IOR Northern Region Dinner Is Back!

The IOR Northern Region Dinner is back after five years!

Live event

The IOR Is Turning The Spotlight On STEM

This month's report from IOR President Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR turns the spotlight on STEM—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—and how we can inspire the next generation to get excited about refrigeration and engineering.
