IOR AGM 2024

5 Nov 2024 10:00 to 11:00

Full details of how to register for in-person or online attendance can be found at the bottom of this webpage. To book to attend in person you will need to log into the IOR website 

Members are invited to attend the AGM of the Institute of Refrigeration which will now be held on 5th November at 10am in London at One Park Crescent, London W1B 1SH and also online. 

The AGM is when the Annual Report and Accounts for the previous year are reviewed including next year’s membership fees. An increase of 4% in membership fees is proposed this year, to account for increasing costs. This is in line or below the membership fee changes for other similar professional institutions.  


AGM Papers

Download Agenda and last year's minutes

Download Annual Report and Accounts for year ending 31st March 2024

Proxy Vote form to print and complete


Trustee Elections and Appointments

The results of the voting in the IOR Trustee elections and the names of the two new Trustees will be announced at the AGM and published on the website shortly thereafter.  The President-Elect appointed last year, Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR, will come into the role of President at the AGM.  On 27th September Graeme Fox FInstR offered his resignation as President and this was accepted by the Board of Trustees.  He had been due to step down at this year’s AGM.


IOR Constitution Consultation

The Board have been conducting a review of the IOR Constitution and were considering putting this to members at this year’s AGM, however, it has now been decided to hold a wider consultation on the proposed changes.  The changes ensure amongst other things, that the clauses relating to how Trustee membership is dealt with align with the Engineering Council Codes of Practice and IOR Disciplinary Policies.  There will be no proposals for voting on changes at this years’ AGM, and instead the Board is opening a consultation. You can review and consider current proposals and make any suggestions having reviewed the documents here - IORConstitutionConsultation Please email any comments to  These comments can then be taken into account for a member vote at the AGM next year.

How to take part in the AGM

In-person: You will need to log into the IOR website to make the booking. Book a ticket using the link to the right on this page to reserve your place.  All members may attend, but only voting members (Fellow, Member, Associate and Technician) will take part in the voting.

Online: Register to attend online 

Vote in advance: You may vote in advance by Proxy using the form below so that your vote on the AGM agenda items will be read out and counted at the AGM.  When you vote you will need to provide your full name, confirm your member grade and your member number and sign the form.  If you do not know your member number please contact us. A note on signing forms - these must be signed in writing and then scanned (or you can take a picture of the completed signed form) and returned by email or post.  Once you have submitted a Proxy Vote you will only be able to change your vote or vote in person at the meeting if you notify us that you wish to withdraw your Proxy.   Download the proxy vote form.




Member registration - Sign in top right first