IOR Annual General Meeting

2 Nov 2017 17:00 to 18:00

Venue CEREB, LSBU, London
Speaker Roger Borer FInstR, Treasurer 
Oganiser IOR 

The AGM of the Institute of Refrigeration will take place on the 2nd November 2017 at 5.30pm. The venue is CEREB, K2, London South Bank University, London.  The results of Trustee elections will be announced at the meeting and the appointment of President-Elect confirmed.  All IOR Members are invited to attend. Let us know if you plan to attend by clicking here.

The agenda, proxy voting form, minutes of 2016 meeting and Annual Report were circulated to members in September and are also available for download at  If you are unable to attend you are encouraged to vote using the proxy voting form which must be returned by 18th October.


The Annual General Meetings of the Institute of Refrigeration

Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1166869 & Charity Registration no 250 081

to be held in CEREB, K2 Building, LSBU, Keyworth Street, London SE1 6NG  starting 5.30pm on Thursday 2nd November 2017

In accordance with the Constitution any voting Member (Fellow, Member, Associate or Technician) having a motion to bring forward at this meeting may do so provided that notification is submitted in writing to the Chief Executive at least fourteen days prior to the meeting (ie by 18th October 2017).



  1. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting (IOR 250 081) held on 1st December 2016 (see appendix 1).

  2. To receive the Annual Review and Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31st March 2017 for the unincorporated Institute of Refrigeration charity no 250 081 and Charitable Incorporated Institute of Refrigeration no 1166869 (available at

  3. To receive the Financial Report of the Honorary Treasurer and consider for adoption, the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheets for the year ended 31st March 2017. (previously distributed and available at

  4. To appoint as auditors for the next set of accounts, Myrus Smith and Partners of Sutton, Surrey and to authorise the Executive Council to agree remuneration.

  5. To consider and, if thought fit, approve the Council Motion to be proposed by the Chairman of the Membership Committee, that the subscription rates be increased for the year commencing 1st April 2018 as below:


Grade                                                    2016                       2017

Fellow                                                    £98                         £101

Member                                                 £87                         £90

Associate Member                               £78                         £80

Affiliate                                                  £78                         £80

Technician                                             £54                         £56

Student                                                  £29                         £30


6. To confirm the appointment of Trustees and Officers of the Institute of Refrigeration

7. Any other business notified in accordance with the Constitution given in writing to the Chief Executive at least 14 days before the meeting.


By order of the Trustees of the Charity