GFH0004The Institute of Refrigeration regrets to advise that Dr Guy Hundy FInstR passed away on 2nd January 2023. Dr Hundy was President of the IOR 2004-07 and a leading technical expert within the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector for over 50 years. He began his career with a technical apprenticeship at J&E Hall and subsequently worked in technical roles in Prestcold, Copeland and Emerson. Throughout his career he was instrumental in the development of scroll compressor technology and heat pump efficiency.

Within the Institute of Refrigeration, he played a key role in Technical, Papers & Publications and Conference committees, sharing his knowledge widely by writing technical papers for the IOR and International Institute of Refrigeration and was awarded the IOR Lightfoot Medal for best paper no less than five times. He was also active in FETA chairing technical committees. 

In the later part of his career he shared his extensive knowledge widely as editor of the 5th edition of the textbook “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning” from which he donated royalties of over £5000 to the IOR Presidents’ Fund for Education. He was also responsible for the development of a website for schools ( produced by the IOR that continues to raise awareness amongst young people of refrigeration science.

A celebration of his life is planned to take place in the summer.