acrnews2The Institute of Refrigeration's Beyond Refrigeration net zero initiative was recognised with the Environmental Award for 2022 by ACR News – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration News last week.

"The purpose of Beyond Refrigeration is to provide a focus for activity to address climate change issues and provide a framework for technical leadership from the Institute of Refrigeration."

Thanks to the many members who have contributed to this work over the past years!

Download the template, policy briefs and case studies for guidance on how you can help your clients move towards net zero at the dedicated website pages:

  • The Beyond Refrigeration template for steps towards net zero heating and cooling, outlining the seven key areas of work is available here
  • Paper 1 - Heating and Cooling (Download Latest Version - Nov 2021)  Policy options to support reducing the need for heating and cooling, achieving the best system performance, using best available technology, balancing heating and cooling needs, whole system sustainability and intelligent energy use.
  • Paper 2 - Developing the best people and skills  (Download Latest Version - Nov 2021)  Policy options to support the necessary change by all persons involved in using, designing, installing, servicing, maintaining, commissioning and decommissioning of heating and cooling in order to have a long term and lasting impact on achieving Net Zero through long term investment in people and skills.
  • Paper 3 - Refrigerant Selection (Download Latest Version - Feb 2022) To support Net Zero commitments equipment designers, purchasers, owners and operators should select a refrigerant with the lowest GWP possible - provided that this doesn’t compromise efficiency. This guidance note outlines how regulation, legislation and incentives are needed to support this.

See the full set of case studies and additional links and information at