26 Sep 2020
The IOR annual elections for Board members closes on 29th October. Six nominations have been received for the two Trustee vacancies:
More details about the candidates are shown below.
How to cast your vote
Voting Members (i.e. Fellow, Member, Associate and Technician grade) will have received emails direct from the voting company Mi-Voice with their voting code and a link to a specialist voting website where the statements of all candidates standing for election will be shown and from where you are able to cast your vote for TWO candidates up until on 29th October. Those who have not yet cast their vote will receive email reminders.
Results and appointment
The results the election will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on 5th November at 4.0pm (Members can Book to attend here.) and on this website. The appointments to the Board will be immediate.
Didn't receive your voting code?
All eligible members were sent a voting code by email from mi-voice the independent online election specialists. Those without a valid email will receive voting information including their unique voting code by post. If you have not received your voting email (please check your junk mail first), you can arrange for this to be resent by contacting mi-voice on +44 (0)23 8076 3987 or support@mi-voice.com.
James Bailey MInstR
I am a time-served mechanical engineer who joined the refrigeration industry as a trainee design engineering at EPTA in 2002. Over the years I have worked for contractors and consultants in design, project and account management roles. In 2015 I founded Wheatlands Aire Valley Engineering (WAVE) Limited; an independent refrigeration and building services consultancy. From humble beginnings the team at WAVE has grown to 16 and we are proud to provide our services to retail end users who include ASDA, ALDI, the Co-op and Sainsbury’s. In 2017 I became a Chartered Engineer, and alongside my industry and business experience I feel that I am well placed to become a Trustee for the Institute of Refrigeration. My work passions are delivering an excellent service to our customers, riving a positive working culture and employee development. As a business director I am immensely proud of having lead WAVE in becoming an Investors in People accredited business: where we rank #7 of all Investors in People accredited businesses operating in the construction sector. Since 2017 WAVE have recruited a trainee each year and their continuous development makes me incredibly proud as investing in the next generation is going to ensure that our industry is well positioned for the future.
John Ellis FInstR
I would like to be considered for this important role as a Trustee for the following reasons;
Having been a member for over 40 years and served on a variety of Institute Committees, some of which I have chaired, I am completely aware and in support of the IOR objectives. My area of expertise is education and training and I am passionate about enabling members and prospective members to continue with their professional development throughout their working life. I was honoured to be President of the Institute from 2000 to 2004 and would relish the opportunity and contribute to the furtherance of the Institute’s objectives over the next few years. In recent times I have been closely involved with the development of the RACHP Engineering Technician Apprenticeship Standard, which offers our members and prospective members a fantastic step en route for professional development where having completed the programme successfully, they would be limited only by their imagination to the progress they themselves could make in the industry and the contribution they could make to achieving ever more sustainable cooling and heating. I would relish the opportunity to assist the Institute in educating the Training Providers to the possibilities for their students, and the opportunities for upskilling that are currently available and will continue to be available in the future. Finally, I would like to share my considerable experience and knowledge in furtherance of the Institute of Refrigeration’s charitable objectives.
Quentin Onyango MInstR
Supporter 1: Marc Hussey MInstR
Supporter 2: Ian Dickinson MInstR
I am a career driven, enthusiastic individual. My life in Refrigeration started in straight from school when I joined the Kenya Polytechnic in 1990. I worked in various countries at different capacities for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Building Services companies for 14 years before considering
enhancing my knowledge, and then taking on an Education role at Grimsby Institute. During my further studies I was honoured an Energy Student Award for my Research and Development work. I pioneered Online learning programmes for refrigeration courses that won the 2008 Cooling Industry
Award for Training Initiatives, developed Refrigeration training programmes and resources for colleges in the Middle East training. I have authored handbooks for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in line with the national Curriculum awarded by City and Guilds, written and directed training videos. I worked with the IOR, the industry and City and Guilds in modelling the national Curriculum for apprenticeships but my overall success of 12years in teaching has been the transformation, inspiration, motivation, and empowerment of most of today's engineers. My current role is with A1/Clade as a Technical and Compliance Manager overseeing quality, legislative conformity, research and development and design. Driven passionately by application of green Refrigerants, modern energy saving innovative technology. I trust my experience, knowledge, passion, and responsibility puts me in a valuable position to drive the IOR objectives.
George Shepherd AMInstR
I am very interested in joining the IOR Board of Trustees. I have a keen interest in refrigeration and the IOR since I started by J&E Hall apprenticeship in 2011. In my time at J&E Hall I was fortunate enough to win the IOR Student of the year award, from here on my membership of the IOR started. After my time at J&E Hall I joined GEA Refrigeration where my membership continued as a service engineer. It is at GEA that my knowledge really started to grow and I was given the chance to work on many more large and complex systems. This also led me to using more of the IOR documentation aimed at engineers. I then moved on to work for FFJB to try to further my career. Here I have worked on all aspects of refrigeration projects and installations, whilst also starting my degree in mechanical engineering. FJB are very positive about anything related to IOR. When I informed them that this position was available, they were very supportive and told me they would support my application in any way possible. I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider my application.
Paul Singh FInstR
My passion for our RACHP Industry has grown over my extensive career spanning over 43 years. Since starting back in 1977 at CRD (Carter Refrigeration Display) as a refrigeration trainee, my experience, skills and competence have been gained from working in RACHP engineering, training and consultancy work. It is my passion that constantly drives me to be the best that I can be and to pass this passion onto to all that I come into contact with. I am owner of ChillAir Training Academy International, the external expert for RACHP for OfQUAL and the Chairperson of the BIRMINGHAM SOCIETY OF REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (BSRA). Recently, I have launched the RACHP-TAG; a specific group for RACHP Trainers, Assessors and employers. Being a Fellow of the IOR, gives me great pride and I have been an ambassador for and involved with the IOR over my career. I have served on the IOR Membership Committee and been actively involved in many IOR Training and Education Initiatives; constantly supporting and promoting the IOR. I have always wanted to further support the IOR and put back into the IOR that I have gained from it. Being elected and serving on the Board of Trustees will enable that and I will be really honoured. The IOR is evolving to meet and lead the developments within the RACHP Industry and it has exciting times ahead. I wish to be a part of this!
John Skelton FInstR
I have been an active member of the Institute of Refrigeration since I started my career as a refrigeration apprentice. I have been a member of the Technical Committee, on the Board of Trustees previously and I am currently Chair of the Education and Training Committee. I also represent the IOR on the ACRIB Skills and Training Committee. I have held numerous positions in the RACHP industry over the last 36 years and I am currently the Refrigeration Manager at Marks & Spencer. I have been Vice President of the British Refrigeration Association and Chair of their End User Group. I am keen to continue to support the IOR and the RACHP industry. I am proud of what the Training and Education Committee has achieved since I reinstated the group with the highlight so far being the introduction of the RACHP Trailblazer apprenticeship scheme. I am keen to continue the work that has been started and support the Board of Trustees with the great work they are doing.
13 Jan 2025
Members have been contributing to the latest IOR newsletter, highlighting the initiatives they're involved in with the Institute.
7 Feb 2025
This month's report from IOR President Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR turns the spotlight on STEM—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—and how we can inspire the next generation to get excited about refrigeration and engineering.
3 Feb 2025
It is with great sadness that we write to share the news of the sudden passing of Reinhard Radermacher, Minta Martin Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE) and 2015 J&E Hall Gold Award winner.
31 Jan 2025
The paper for the IOR Techtalk on "Energy Usage in the Industrial Sector," on 6th February, is now available for download on the IOR website.
28 Jan 2025
The Institute of Refrigeration is delighted to announce that ticket sales for this year’s IOR Annual Dinner have already surpassed last year’s numbers, demonstrating the industry’s support for celebrating the IOR’s 125th anniversary and to welcoming our new President Lisa-Jayne Cook FInstR.